
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Beach Party!

Hey guys :D

Summer Holiday start's from today ^_^

And another awesome that we are having Beach Party today!

And there will be some contest also for Bug's, Item's and membership O.o
Cool right?

Party Time-6:00 PM Chobots time
Date-31st May

See you in Party!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hey guys :D

Chobots are looking for some more stuff!
Here is your great chances to become CHOBOT'S STAFF

You can apply for-
You can apply from here.
Good luck to everyone! :D

June Journalists!

Hey Chobots here is your chance to become JOURNALIST for JUNE

If you win then you will get
-You will get 5000 bugs O_o
-J badge on your playcard (cool)
-Your blog on chobots official blogroll ^_^
Good Luck

Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Staff!

Hey guys we have a new staff Swiftex and Koiz!

You both deserved it!
Keep it up ^_^

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hey Chobots :D

Here is awesome new's for you all :)

Yep! There is 20% off for all stuff in Shop!

Buy now!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Winner's & Clothes

Hey Chobots!

Here are winner's of Robo factory

1st place- Precious870
Prizes- 7 days citizenship, 4000 bugs, 30 cho energy
2nd place-Hamoodcool
Prizes- 5 days citizenship, 3000 bugs, 25 cho energy
3rd place- Plinfalie
Prizes- 3 days citizenship, 2000 bugs, 20 cho energy

Here are the winner's of Slider

1st place- Eliminate
Prices- 7 days citizenship, 4000 bugs, 30 cho energy
2nd place- Brand
Prices- 5 days citizenship, 3000 bugs, 25 cho energy
3rd place- Saifoo
Prices- 3 days citizenship, 2000 bugs, 20 cho energy

Congrats Winner's

And some Clothes added to shop!

They are awesome!
Do you like them?

Have fun

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hang Out?

Hey chobots
I was playing slider then I saw

Where is boy's hangout?
Friday, May 18, 2012

Agent Meeting!

Hey chobots!

It's time for agent meeting as all chobots have monthly meeting's.
So there will be two agent meeting on Saturday!

Meeting 1- 3:00

Meeting 2-10:00
(Chobots time)

Also mod's will discuss about New item, Parties, New contest etc

Have fun!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Smileyfest Party!

Hey guys
There was party yesterday of smiley-fest
There was contest also winner's get Citizenship and Bugs

Here are some picture

Update:- New template and header apply now :)

Really nice party.
But miss it!

No posting and New Updates!

Sorry guys for not posting. I was busy these day :(

When I come back I saw some new stuff look at them :)

And some new stuff is $hop also ^_^

                              Suit and stuff

                               New body 

                              Chat bubbles
Awesome updates!

Do you like them?